Our most recent series has detailed what’s involved in building and configuring your own centralized authentication service built atop the open source SimpleSAMLphp project.
SimpleSAMLphp Quick Start
As part of an ongoing series, we’re helping to explain ways to configure SimpleSAMLphp as a centralized identity provider (IDP) for your organization.
SimpleSAMLphp as an IDP for Office365
This week we’ll modify our SimpleSAMLphp server to act as a hosted identity provider for Microsoft’s Office 365 productivity suite.
SimpleSAMLphp as an IDP for Google’s G-Suite
This week we’ll modify our SimpleSAMLphp server to act as a hosted identity provider for Google’s G-Suite.
SimpleSAMLphp Integration with Tozny Authentication
This week we’ll modify our SimpleSAMLphp server to leverage Tozny’s secure, password-free authentication platform for identity verification.