End-to-end encryption is for more than just long-lived data. Sometimes the data that needs protecting is a simple, short string. Like secrets and passwords.
End-to-End Crypto: Secure Email
This week we look at two options for secure email: PGP and S/MIME. We also take a deep dive into a service provider that helps make secure messaging both possible and easy for end users.
End-to-End Crypto: File Storage
End-to-end encryption is just as much about securing messages in transit from point A to B as it is securing data at rest in a file system between permitted times of access.
End-to-End Crypto: Messaging and Chat
There are many end-to-end encrypted messaging systems available for secure, mobile communication. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages; understanding the way each works will help you decide which is right for you.
RSA Underscores the Importance of Privacy
Issues of privacy are becoming more prevalent and more significant, and Tozny’s E3DB was built to help developers address privacy needs within the systems they are building.